According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the air inside our homes is often two to five times more polluted than the outside air. On average, we spend 90% of our time indoors. The air we breathe is filled with pathogens, odors, mold, and fungus spores.

Studies have also shown that 1 in 10 children under the age of 18 have Asthma, 35.9 million Americans have seasonal allergies, and an estimated 10% of the population may be allergic to animals (pets). Phenomenal Aire Cold Plasma Generator (CPG) can reduce or eliminate the triggers of asthma attacks and allergies.

The installation of a Phenomenal Aire Cold Plasma Generator is easy, affordable and essential to the production of healthy ions in your home that can kill viruses, bacteria, mold and fungus spores, as well as eliminating allergens and odors, and breaking down VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds).

Independent laboratory tests show that after 45 minutes, Phenomenal Aire's technology neutralizes 99.4% of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID19). After 1 hour, that increases to 99.9%.

Allergies range from a nuisance to a season-long battle against tiredness and difficulty concentrating. Reduce or eliminate pollen, dander, and dust in your environment.

We love our pets, but about 10% of people are allergic to animals. Remove airborne pet dander and (finally!) peacefully coexist with your beloved pets.

Even after thorough fire, flood, or mold remediation, residue can remain in your HVAC system. Add on Phenomenal Aire with traditional restoration for better results.

Enhance your existing HVAC filter and reduce airborne pollutants within the HVAC system and occupied space, which increases the quality of your indoor air.

Eliminate that foul-smelling, musty odor when your air conditioner first turns on. Never live with the smell of Dirty Sock Syndrome in your space again.

Emulating nature, Phenomenal Aire Cold Plasma Generators produce an electric field filled with highly charged ions. This electrified field is known as a plasma field. The ions created within the field act as a natural scrubbing agent for the air passing through the field.

The plasma field generated by the Phenomenal Aire is encapsulated within the air handler's duct. There is NO detectable ozone generated during the Phenomenal Aire process.

Benefits of the Phenomenal Aire Cold Plasma Generator:

  • Safe
  • Affordable
  • Easy Installation
  • Has no moving parts
  • Has no planned replacement schedule
  • Only requires simple periodic inspection & cleaning
  • COVID-19 REDUCED BY 99.40%

For more information and pricing, please call our office at (704) 360-2990.

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